Native to the Mediterranean region, it’s considered to be one of the oldest of cultivated trees. Other common names include sweet, true, and Grecian laurel. Planted in the garden, it can reach a mature height of 25-55 feet, although most are kept at 2-8 feet with persistent trimming. Small clumps of yellow flowers form in spring, followed by small purple drupes that contain a single seed. We link to vendors to help you find relevant products. If you buy from one of our links, we may earn a commission. They also do very well in containers, making a handsome specimen for the patio, or simply to keep nearby as a kitchen herb. And their beautiful glossy leaves make a handsome, long-lasting addition to bouquets of cut flowers and seasonal arrangements like Christmas wreaths and swags. Here’s what we’re looking at in this article:

The Crown of Victory

Steeped in history and myth, wreaths of L. nobilis have been used to symbolize victory, personal achievement, and social status since antiquity. As far back as 776 BC, ancient Greeks used the leaves to crown the victors of athletic competitions, the precursors of the modern Olympic games.

This idea carried into the Roman era, when emperors wore a wreath like a crown to denote their divine lineage. And during the Renaissance, after doctors completed their final examinations, they were adorned with berries and branches of bay – from which we get the word “baccalaureate.”

Care and Cultivation

Sweet bay is hardy to Zone 8, enjoys a full-sun location, and should be planted in spring while still semi-dormant. Use a soil richly amended with organic compost or well-rotted manure, adding extra grit to improve drainage and plant stability. Use a ratio of one part sand or extra-fine crushed gravel to six parts enriched soil. For container growth, ensure plenty of drainage material is laid down before planting. Water moderately and avoid soggy roots, which can cause permanent damage. Repot every 2-3 years, gently trimming away approximately one-third of the roots and removing the top two inches of soil. Replant in a fresh mix of amended soil and replace the top layer with mature compost. If your region has regular freeze cycles, protect the roots by wrapping the container with bubble wrap until spring. Fertilize containers every two weeks from spring until August using an all-purpose fertilizer, or monthly for in-ground plants. For large specimens, provide protection from high winds, which can cause weak limbs to break. And in areas with harsh winters, plant in containers and bring indoors to a bright, cool room or tuck into a sheltered spot, covering with burlap to protect from prolonged freezing temperatures.

Pruning and Training

Pruning requirements depend on whether your bay has been trained as a topiary, grown as a shrub, or allowed to mature into a full-sized tree. For all sizes, prune out any dead and damaged leaves or branches in the spring. Mature, full-grown trees can be pruned hard, but re-growth is slow – carry out hard pruning over two or three years to maintain some greenery while the new growth forms. For those you’d like to maintain as more manageable shrubs, cut back to lower leaves or buds as desired, and trim away any low-trunk branches and suckers. Topiary-trained specimens are trimmed in the summer to promote dense growth. Prune the current year’s growth back to leaf nodes that face in the direction of desired growth, maintaining balance and a harmonious shape. With regular clipping and training when the tree is young, the dark green foliage and stems can be sculpted into a variety of formal shapes to make an excellent patio or garden accent.


Bay can be propagated in a few ways: In fall, collect the seed-bearing drupes and remove the fleshy outer cases. Sow into small containers of light, loamy soil and place in a sheltered location or a cold frame until the second spring, when they can be planted out. Read more about growing bay trees from seed here.

Softwood cuttings can be taken in late spring or early summer, as can semi-ripe cuttings in late summer. Sow and shelter as for seeds, planting out in their second year. Read more about propagation via cuttings. Bay laurels can also be easily transplanted should you wish to start your plants in a container or move them.

Plant Facts

Protects nearby plants from moths and unfriendly insects. Dried leaves can be placed in canisters of rice or other grains to repel bugs. Leaves can be used to produce a light green dye. Wood can be added to grills and smokers for a sweet, smoky flavor.

In the Kitchen

An essential ingredient in a traditional bouquet garni herb mixture, bay leaves are a well-known kitchen ingredient. Leaves can be used dried, fresh, or frozen to season fish, meat, poultry, sauces, soups, stews, grains, and roasted vegetables. Dried, they’re best suited for use in slow-cooked dishes. Fresh or frozen, they can be used to add subtle flavor to cretons, fish, pates, poaching liquids, risottos, and sausages. Leaves can be harvested at any time throughout the year, but the flavor will be best in summer – and large, mature leaves have more flavor and fragrance than tender new growth.

Pests and Problems

Hardy and easy to care for, bay laurel is largely disease and pest-free, with only a few easily remedied problems. L. nobilis is the most popular, commonly cultivated for culinary and ornamental purposes. L. nobilis ‘Aurea’ has a golden-yellow foliage. And L. nobilis f. angustifolia is known as willow-leaved laurel for its thin leaves.

L. Nobilis 2-Pack You can pick up L. nobilis at your favorite garden center, or purchase a two-pack of four-inch pots online, available from 9GreenBox via Walmart. Single-stem saplings are also available from Nature Hills Nursery. Leaf spot is most often caused by overwatering and allowing the roots to sit in water. Ensure containers have a thick layer of drainage material at the bottom of the pot, and enough drainage holes for excess water to easily flow through.

In the ground, improve drainage by amending the soil with sand or extra-fine crushed rock. If spots persist despite good drainage, chances are the soil has become depleted of nutrients. Repot in the spring using plenty of rich, organic compost. Yellow leaves occur in small numbers each year as new growth occurs, and are shed naturally. Yellowing can also occur in containers,and the problem is usually caused by a nutrient deficiency, root damage caused by soggy soil, or cold weather damage. Apply a general-purpose fertilizer to containers every two weeks until August to improve nutrient content of the soil, always ensure they have adequate drainage, and prune damaged wood in spring.

Attractive and Practical

Attractive in garden beds or containers, bay laurel is a wonderfully versatile tree that adds visual interest to the landscape all year long – and it will make a delicious addition to your cooking! Train plants while they’re young for topiary specimens, or simply prune to maintain a manageable shape. For cooking, harvest leaves at any time, but keep in mind that they’re most flavorful in summer. And remember, for years of healthy growth, good drainage is a must, and container specimens need to be repotted every 2-3 years. Aside from that, they’re pretty much self-reliant! If you have any questions about L. nobilis, drop us a line in the comments below. And if you’d like more ideas about cooking with bay, check out this article on our sister site, Foodal – it has all the info you need. Photos by Lorna Kring © Ask the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. Product photo via 9GreenBox. Top uncredited photo by Lorna Kring. Other uncredited photos via Shutterstock.

How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 1How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 81How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 67How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 47How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 78How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 28How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 25How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 77How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 62How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 52How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 94How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 36How to Grow and Care for Bay Laurel Trees   Gardener s Path - 38