The mild, delicately flavored flesh is less bitter than some of the varieties you would typically find in the grocery store. Some like to distinguish “Japanese eggplant” as a separate category of “Asian eggplant,” but quite often the two terms are used interchangeably to refer to the long, slender, thin-skinned varieties of this vegetable. We link to vendors to help you find relevant products. If you buy from one of our links, we may earn a commission. Eggplants are members of the nightshade family, which includes tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes. Along with their distinctive shape and flavor, many of these varieties are early-maturing, bearing fruit just two months after transplanting. And in general, these plants tend to be vigorous, growing up to four feet tall, and high-yielding – making them very attractive for the home gardener.

In this article I’ll be looking at 21 different Asian eggplant varieties – some of which are Japanese, some of which are Chinese, some Indian, and some bred in the US. Before we get started on our world tour, here’s an overview of what I’ll cover: Here are 7 of my favorite dark skinned cultivars:

1. Black Egg

This Japanese heirloom variety produces round, egg-shaped fruits that are dark purple, almost black in color, with a black calyx.

‘Black Egg’ Tender, 4- to 5-inch-long fruit with a mild, sweet flavor grow on compact, vigorous plants that mature to just 3 feet tall. Ideal for container growing, ‘Black Egg’ matures in 60-65 days. You can find seeds for ‘Black Egg’ in a variety of packet sizes at Eden Brothers.

2. Finger Fruit

‘Finger Fruit,’ also known as ‘Little Fingers,’ is an heirloom cultivar that produces petite, dark purple eggplants that grow on green stems.

The glossy purple fruits of this open-pollinated variety grow in clusters and have blunt ends. They can be harvested when they are just 3-6 inches long – starting 60 days after transplanting.

‘Finger Fruit’ These tiny, slim eggplants are tender, with thin skin and few seeds. The flesh has a mildly sweet flavor. ‘Finger Fruit’ seeds are available in packets of various sizes from Eden Brothers.

3. Ichiban

‘Ichiban’ is a Japanese hybrid that loves hot weather, but will also thrive in cooler climates – and it bears fruit all the way through to the first autumn frost. Its name means “best” in Japanese, and many gardeners agree that this is at the top of their Asian eggplant list!

‘Ichiban’ produces slim, purplish-black, 10-inch-long fruits on purple stems. The fruits have thin skins with a delicate, sweet, and mild flavor, and a succulent texture. Plants grow in an upright form, reaching 3-4 feet tall, and 2-3 feet wide at maturity.

‘Ichiban’ They perform well in containers, and they are prolific and very early, bearing fruit just 50-60 days after transplanting – with 12 fruits per plant, on average. You can find ‘Ichiban’ plants in 4-inch pots from Bonnie Plants via Home Depot.

4. Kurume Long

Hailing from the city of Kurume in Japan’s Fukuoka Prefecture, ‘Kurume Long’ is an open-pollinated cultivar that bears shiny, 9- to 10-inch-long black fruit on black stems.

The mild, delicate fruits of ‘Kurume Long’ are excellent for making tempura or for pickling. ‘Kurume Long’ This cultivar is vigorous and matures very early – just 60 days from transplanting.

5. Millionaire

A popular Japanese cultivar, ‘Millionaire’ is an early-maturing hybrid that produces shiny black fruits. These are 8-12 inches long and 2 inches wide, with dark purple calyxes.

‘Millionaire’ has virtually no seeds in its tender, mild flesh, and is delicious roasted or grilled in shish kebabs.

‘Millionaire’ Highly productive plants are upright and thrive in hot weather, bearing ripe fruit just 50-60 days from transplanting. ‘Millionaire’ is available in packs of 100 or 1000 seeds from Mountain Valley Seed Company via True Leaf Market.

6. Orient Express

‘Orient Express’ is a high-yielding hybrid cultivar that will set fruit in both cool and hot weather. Its glossy black fruits grow to 8-10 inches long and have a delicate flavor, thin skins, and tender flesh.

‘Orient Express’ seeds are slow to germinate, but the plant is fast-growing once it gets started. This early maturing cultivar produces an abundant harvest just 58 days from transplanting. ‘Orient Express’ Plants will reach 24-30 inches tall and wide, making this variety a great option for container growing.

7. Shikou

A hybrid variety that holds up well to the heat, ‘Shikou’ bears dark purple, glossy, thin-skinned fruit that grows on purple stems. With a name that means “supreme” in Japanese, this cultivar produces 6- to 8-inch-long, elegant fruits that have very few seeds.

Tender, meaty, and with a rich, nutty flavor, ‘Shikou’ is ideal for adding to stir fries. Fruits should be harvested when the skins are still shiny, starting at around 70-80 days after transplanting. ‘Shikou’ The semi-spineless plants mature to a modest 18-24 inches tall, making this variety ideal for growing in containers.

8. Shoya Long

‘Shoya Long’ is a hybrid cultivar that is very popular in its native Japan. It bears exceptionally long 14 to 16-inch dark purple fruit on purple stems.

These long veggies are of fine quality, great for frying and for tempura. Plants grow upright, producing high yields. ‘Shoya Long’ Ripe eggplants from this very early-maturing cultivar can be harvested just 60 days after transplanting.

Bright Purple Varieties

Typically from China, the bright purple Asian eggplant varieties are just as tender and tasty as the dark purple ones. Here’s a selection of 5 of the best bright purple cultivars:

9. Fengyuan Purple

An heirloom open-pollinated variety from Taiwan, ‘Fengyuan Purple’ is a rare cultivar.

The long, slender, cylindrical fruits can grow up to 12 inches long, and are bright purple with a purple calyx. The flesh of these is creamy white, free from bitter compounds, and the skin is thin and delicate. An early maturing variety, ‘Fengyuan Purple’ can be harvested after just 65 days.

10. Japanese Pickling

The longest Asian eggplant among my selection, the fruits of ‘Japanese Pickling’ can reach an astonishing 22-26 inches in length!

Bright to dark purple in color, these are long, thin, and slightly curved – measuring just 2 inches in diameter. ‘Japanese Pickling’ eggplant are sweet and mellow tasting with creamy, meaty flesh – and as their name suggests, they lend themselves perfectly to pickling. ‘Japanese Pickling’ A mid-season cultivar, ‘Japanese Pickling’ has a good germination rate, and comes to maturity 75-85 days from transplanting.

11. Ping Tung Long

Very popular in Taiwan, ‘Ping Tung Long’ is an open-pollinated cultivar that bears fruit with bright purple skins and a green calyx.

Also known as ‘Ping Tung Elephant,’ this variety bears fruit that grow up to 18 inches long and 2 inches in diameter. ‘Ping Tung Long’ The long fruits of this cultivar are sweet and tender with no hint of bitterness, and they will be ready to harvest in 65-70 days.

12. Purple Comet

An Asian-type hybrid, ‘Purple Comet’ has neon-violet skin and stems that are green to purple.

‘Purple Comet’ produces fruits that are approximately 10 inches long and 2 inches wide. These are sweet and mild, with succulent, tender white flesh. They have few seeds, thin skins, and can be picked young without sacrificing any of their flavor. ‘Purple Comet’ Sturdy ‘Purple Comet’ plants have large foliage and large blooms, and they come to maturity in 70 days after transplanting.

13. Purple Shine

‘Purple Shine’ is a productive Chinese hybrid with shiny, purple skin – and is often white at the top, just below its purple calyx. This variety bears long, slender fruits measuring 9-11 inches long and 1 1/2-2 inches wide.

Firm and seedless, these mild eggplants are great for veggie lasagna, or stir fried and served as a side dish. ‘Purple Shine’ Growing on tall, upright, spreading plants, this prolific cultivar will come to maturity in 65-70 days.

Pink and Lavender Varieties

These pastel cultivars of Asian-type eggplants are worth trying – if for nothing other than their enchanting colors. Here are four of my favorite pink and lavender cultivars:

14. Long Asian

With long purple fruits that have a sweet, succulent taste with no hint of bitterness, ‘Long Asian’ is an open-pollinated variety.

‘Long Asian’ bears tender and delicious fruit that grow to 8-10 inches long.

‘Long Asian’ ‘Long Asian’ fruits will be ready to harvest – and throw on the grill – about 60 days after transplanting. You can find seeds in a variety of packet sizes available from Eden Brothers.

15. Machiaw

‘Machiaw’ is a hybrid variety that bears pale purple to deep pink fruit.

‘Machiaw’ was one of the winners for best Asian type eggplant in Purdue University’s 2008 Eggplant Variety Trial in central Missouri. This variety bears beautiful fruit that are tender and tasty, growing 10-12 inches long and 1-1 1/2 inches wide. ‘Machiaw’ This early-maturing cultivar is ready to harvest just 60-70 days after transplanting.

16. Orient Charm

‘Orient Charm’ is a high-yielding hybrid that produces fruit in a range of shades, from pale lavender to bright fluorescent pink.

Along with ‘Machiaw,’ this variety was another one of the winners for best Asian type eggplant in Purdue University’s 2008 Eggplant Variety Trial in central Missouri. Growing on green stems, the fruits of ‘Orient Charm’ grow to about 9 inches long and 2 inches in diameter, and are similar in shape to ‘Orient Express.’ These delicately flavored fruits have very few seeds, and they grow on strong, productive plants. ‘Orient Charm’ With this early-maturing variety, you’ll have veggies ready to harvest just 65 days from transplanting.

Green Varieties

Green eggplants are popular throughout Asia, where they seem to be just as widespread as purple varieties. Here are five of the best green Asian type cultivars:

17. Bangladeshi Long

‘Bangladeshi Long’ is a prolific heirloom that is native to Bangladesh. Its 8-inch-long, slightly curved fruits are striking – they have a grayish green color with purple streaks. These thin-skinned veggies are never bitter and have a delicious, mild flavor. They are perfect for use in Indian-inspired cuisine, such as this spicy eggplant curry recipe that you can find on our sister site, Foodal. The large, sturdy plants of ‘Bangladeshi Long’ reach 48 inches tall, and bear fruit 75-80 days after transplanting.

18. Choryoku

‘Choryoku’ is a Japanese hybrid. Its 12-inch-long fruit have bright green skins and a green calyx.

The fruits of this cultivar grow long and straight with a firm texture, and they are sweet and tasty – perfect for broiling or grilling. ‘Choryoku’ Growing on vigorous, prolific plants, ‘Choryoku’ will come to maturity in 80 days.

19. Green Knight

A hybrid variety, ‘Green Knight’ bears green-skinned fruit that reach 7-10 inches long. They are mild in flavor, with few seeds and a meaty texture.

An early-maturing variety, you’ll be harvesting the succulent fruit from these 34- to 36-inch plants in just 55-60 days.

‘Green Knight’ You can find packets of 30 seeds, or 3 ‘Green Knight’ plants, available at Burpee.

20. Hari

An Indian hybrid, ‘Hari’ has waxy green, thin skin and grows from green stems.

Fruits reach 7-10 inches long, and have tender flesh with a mild flavor and no hint of bitterness. An ultra-early maturing variety, ‘Hari’ will be ready to harvest in just 50 days.

21. Thai Long Green

Also known as ‘Green Elephant Tusk,’ and sometimes just ‘Thai Green,’ the fruits of this heirloom variety from Thailand have lovely, light lime green colored skin and green stems.

Fruits are 10-12 inches long, and have a mild, sweet flavor with very tender flesh. The plants of this open-pollinated variety grow 2-3 feet tall and are drought resistant. ‘Thai Long Green’ This long-season cultivar will be ready to harvest in 85 days.

An Eggcellent Selection

Whether the Asian eggplant of your dreams is petite or serpentine, whether it’s a super productive hybrid or an heirloom with a history, whether it’s dark black, bright purple, pale pink, or lime green, with all these choices, you’ll be sure to find one to give a special place to in your backyard garden.

Which of these cultivars is tempting your taste buds? Have any other favorite Asian eggplant varieties? Let us know in the comments. And for more information about growing eggplant in your garden, check out these guides next:

How to Plant and Grow Eggplant Tips for Pollinating Eggplant by Hand 9 of the Best White Eggplant Varieties 5 Reasons Your Eggplant Blossoms Are Falling Off

Photo by Felicia Lim © Ask the Experts, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. See our TOS for more details. Product photos via Burpee,  David’s Garden Seeds, Eden Brothers, Eggplant Seeds, Hazzard’s Seeds, Kitazawa Seed Company, Javagado Land, Park Seed, Seeds of India, and True Leaf Market. Uncredited photos: Shutterstock.

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